You connect best with your Hands!
Congratulations—by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to growing your connection with God and making the most of your unique strengths. According to your responses, you connect with God best by using your hands. So, what does that actually mean?
You tend to draw near to God by taking action.
Your connection grows stronger through times of receiving from God and partnering with God in His ministry to the world. You notice God's care for you and may often reflect on the way He's transformed your life. You enjoy volunteering and serving, and see meeting needs as a tangible way to demonstrate your love for God and for others. You feel close to God by doing—whether that's in finding action steps to this weeks message, growing in a spiritual discipline, or stepping up to serve in a new way.
You're created for life with God.
Understanding that you tend to approach God using your hands doesn't mean that's the only way you can connect with Him. Living life with God means bringing your whole self to Him.
Head. Heart. Hands. Habits.
Knowing that you tend to approach God using your hands then empowers you to make the most of that strength, including how you engage your head and heart, and what habits you build in all these areas.
I'm here to help you live a vibrant life with God.
Here are some quick action steps to get you started:
1. Check out the "Life with God" Podcast series on Good God Talks.
This series explores each of the main approaches to connection as we talk with God about how He made each of us unique, and what it can look like to connect with Him using our personality strengths. 🎧 Listen in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and YouTube.
2. Pay attention to ways this approach currently works FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU
Ways this probably works for you:
- You see acts of serving or creativity as worship and sense that God is pleased when engaging in those activities.
- You trust God to meet needs and get to watch Him do it.
- You get to partner in what God is doing in the world and see lives changed.