You connect best with your Heart!
Congratulations—by completing this quiz, you've shown your commitment to growing your connection with God and making the most of your unique strengths. According to your responses, you connect with God best by using your heart. So, what does that actually mean?
You tend to draw near to God with passion, emotion, and through your senses.
Your connection grows stronger as you draw near to the heart of God and experiencing Him. You're stirred to emotional expression and engage in passionate conversations about God. You're good at bringing your dreams and heart longings to Him. You may describe your times with God as having a sense of God, a sense of peace, of direction, of leading. You feel close to Him when you're able to express your love and experience His love for you.
You're created for life with God.
Understanding that you tend to approach God using your heart doesn't mean that's the only way you can connect with Him. Living life with God means bringing your whole self to Him.
Head. Heart. Hands. Habits.
Knowing that you tend to approach God using your heart then empowers you to make the most of that strength, including how you engage your head and hands, and what habits you build in all these areas.
I'm here to help you live a vibrant life with God.
Here are some quick action steps to get you started:
1. Check out the "Life with God" Podcast series on Good God Talks.
This series explores each of the main approaches to connection as we talk with God about how He made each of us unique, and what it can look like to connect with Him using our personality strengths. 🎧 Listen in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and YouTube.
2. Pay attention to ways this approach currently works FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU
Ways this probably works for you:
- Emotive worship and immersive atmospheres, especially in corporate settings.
- Revelation that shows God is attentive and personally invested in the details of the lives of His people. This could be prophetic words, meaningful prayer gatherings, or moving testimonies.
- Learning from pastors and preachers who motivate and inspire you to action by the passion they have for God and the care they show for His people.