Episode #245 Why Spiritual Growth Feels Slow—And Why That’s a Good Thing – Unforced Rhythms of Grace

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Welcome! We're in our Unforced Rhythms of Grace Series and today's topic is Why Spiritual Growth Feels Slow—And Why That’s a Good Thing.


Romans 14:17, 2 Peter 3:18

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God, what's an area of grace that you want to grow in me? And how can I participate?

Here's the episode transcript

Hey friends, it's Jen. And in case you could use the reminder today, you are created for relationship with God. I'm sharing with you thoughts and quotes and things that have inspired me from Richard Foster's book, Celebration of Discipline, and he talks about life with God as an interactive relationship.

He says, God uses our actions to build within us deeply ingrained habit patterns of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit—which he is referencing Romans 14:17—back and forth, back and forth in interactive relationship so that through time and experience, we are learning to grow in grace.

The form that God's grace takes is an interactive relationship. This is why the Apostle Peter could say in 2 Peter 3:18, “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Now, I've come to understand grace here with two primary definitions.

The first is unmerited favor.

And the second is supernatural enablement. God's grace to enable or empower us in ways beyond our own abilities. We see that in the function of ministry and in spiritual gifts, and we also need God's supernatural enablement to engage in interactive life with him.

As we're learning to receive and know God more, we show up and we engage with God and He continues His transforming work in our lives.

So the form that God's grace takes here is interactive relationship with Him. And I love this reference to 2 Peter 3:18. So Peter is urging us to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Now this word "grow" here in the original Greek, is auxanō, which means to grow, to increase, but we see that commonly in growing a crowd is in the multitudes, but also the growth or increase of plants, of infants, and of inward Christian growth.
Now, this type of growing is slow.

Some of you may be saying, hey, I thought this series was about spiritual disciplines. When are we actually getting to the disciplines? And I promise that we're getting there, but we're going slow on purpose. Foster, in the book, talks about how this deep character formation in the subterranean chambers of our hearts doesn't occur overnight.

This is no quick fix. It's crucial here for us to respect the slow work of God upon the soul. Slowly, ever so slowly, over days and weeks and months and years, the soul is being carefully formed, and conformed, and transformed. Throughout this holy work, we are learning patience, stillness, perseverance, and time fullness.

Of course, throughout this liberating process, we are carrying on the daily tasks of home and work. which you know we are. these places comprise the central arena where the work of formation occurs. Now, I do not have an exhaustive list of the spiritual disciplines, he says, which is great because I don't either.

As far as I know, none exists. All we are learning to do is to undertake practices of heart and mind and soul that place us before God. Some practices may be formal and intently liturgical. Others may be spontaneous and free flowing. The actual practices of the disciplines are as varied and as creative as human personality itself.

But here's the key. Spiritual disciplines are actions of and mind and soul that we actually do not just admire, not just study, not just debate, but practice.

And practice takes time. And developing habits goes slowly.

And so the invitation before us today is to begin practicing that which God is already stirring in our hearts. What he's already inviting us into in life with him.

And so I don't know what that looks like for you today, but I know that God does, and I know that he'll share it with you. You are created for life with God. And he invites you into experiencing this interactive relationship with him more fully.

And so here's a question that you can ask him:

God, what's an area of grace that you want to grow in me? And how can I participate?

Have a good talk.

And if you've been encouraged by this content, please share it with a friend and help them grow in their conversational relationship with God too!

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