Episode #88 God Hasn’t Changed, You Can Trust Him – Noticing God

From Today's Episode:
Welcome! We're in our Noticing God Series and today's topic is God Hasn't Changed, You Can Trust Him.
Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8; Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5
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God, where do I struggle to believe who you are toward me?
Here's the episode transcript
Hi friends, I'm Jen and welcome to another episode of Good God Talks. We are in a series looking at ways we can notice God on display in scripture. And one of the reasons that we're able to notice God on display in the Word and also see him on display in those same ways in our lives today is because our God doesn't change. He is not confined to popular opinion. He doesn't move or change based on what society dictates in any given season. And Unlike humans, God doesn't need to learn and grow. He is and has always been the same. And we know that because he tells us that about himself in a few different places. One of which is Malachi 3, and I'll read just part of verse 6. And it says,
“For I the Lord, do not change.” (Malachi 3:6)
Which is pretty straightforward. We see this again, in another way, specifically about Jesus in the book of Hebrews. Hebrews 13:8.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
Jesus will even reference passages from the Old Testament prophets as he is the fulfillment of that ancient promise.
As we see God on display in the Bible, as we read of his character, as he tells us about himself and shows us his character and nature, we can trust that God is still that same way. He hasn't changed his mind. He hasn't left us behind. He hasn't moved on or chosen to approach us in a way that's inconsistent with his character. His character doesn't change.
One of the other ways that we see this on display is in verses quoted from the Old Testament in the New Testament.
In Joshua 1:5, God is affirming to Joshua, I will be with you the same as I was with Moses. And at the end of that verse, he says,
“I will not leave you or forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)
And those exact same words are repeated for us in the book of Hebrews, still in chapter 13, and it's in the second half of verse 5. It says,
“For he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
Sometimes there are truths that we understand about God, but we overlook the impact that they can have in our day to day lives. The core truth is that God is the same. Yesterday, today, forever, that he does not change. That's one of the reasons that I can look for God on display in scripture and learn of his character and nature and I can ask God to engage with me and to show me his character in these same ways.
For some of us, that might feel kind of like been there, done that, that's easy. But I have found—even in my over 30 years of being in the faith—there are times where I will cognitively understand that about God, but I will overlook or I will misunderstand how practically that can be applied to my life.
I will look at promises from God, like what he repeats for us in Hebrews, quoting from the book of Joshua, and even still I will wonder if God extends that same promise to me. I will read his promises. I will read of his love. And because of my own shortcomings or painful experiences, I will misapply those hurts to God. And in those ways discredit the promises that he holds out to me in his Word. He tells me, I'm the same. I haven't changed. Even still, I can go through circumstances and wonder if he still cares for me the same way.
And so if you can relate to that struggle, don't let that shame you. Don't let that get you down. Use these few minutes to go and talk with God about it.
Because His word doesn't change.
He is the same.
And we can go to Him and bring those concerns, and bring those doubts or those fears and uncertainties, and ask God to affirm to us that He truly is who He says He is. And so here's today's question:
God, where do I struggle to believe who you are toward me?
Maybe he'll talk with you about believing that he's the same or doesn't change. Maybe it has to do with believing and receiving that he is there present with you no matter the circumstance. That he's not going to leave or abandon you. Or maybe it's something totally different. Whatever that is, I know God wants to talk with you about it. So again, here's that question:
God, where do I struggle to believe who you are toward me?
Have a good talk.
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