Episode #246 Feel Like You Should Be Further Along? You’re Right on Time – Unforced Rhythms of Grace

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Welcome! We're in our Unforced Rhythms of Grace Series and today's topic is Feel Like You Should Be Further Along? You’re Right on Time.


Job 11:7-9

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God, I'm a beginner in a lot of ways. What do You love about that?

Here's the episode transcript

Hey friend, it's Jen. Have you ever felt like you're behind in your faith, like you somehow should be further along by now, or you hate that you're just learning about something that you could have learned about years or even decades ago? I get this question a lot as people talk with me about wanting to hear God speak to them.

Because even if you've been a Christian for a while, it's possible to not know that God talks with us. I know it's possible because that's part of my story. I came to Christ at a young age, and I didn't even know that relationship with God was something that he offered us. I thought he was just after my good behavior and then in learning to hear God's voice and learning to partner with him in the life he invites us into and the freedom that he offers us; I was constantly discovering new things that I got to start at afresh.

Except for I didn't think about it as a get to, I felt behind. I would put pressure on myself, and I would be stressed out by it.

And I get similar feedback like that from listeners, discouraged that they still aren't quite sure how to hear God speak, or that feel this pressure of missed years of opportunities.

And so if you relate to any of that, I want to bring you encouragement today. You are not behind. I believe that God has purpose and intention to the season that you're in right now. and there are things that he's excited to do in you and through your life.

And also God delights in beginners. In many ways, as we go about our faith journeys, we are constantly beginners. Even reflecting on how God's mercies are new for us every morning, every day, we get to begin again with God. And really, it's concerning if we ever feel like we've arrived.

I have been a believer for over 34 years. And in that time of following Jesus, I am constantly learning new things that I get to experience with him. And yes. That can be frustrating. I can wish that I'd already learned that thing or discovered that earlier or overcome that obstacle that keeps popping up for me.

But also, there's a grace to that.

There's a humility that gets to come as those who embrace that we are always beginners. And I've been reflecting on this topic as I'm reading Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline, because this is something he talks about real briefly. And it really stuck out to me.

He says, beginners are welcome. I too am a beginner, even, and especially after a number of years practicing the spiritual disciplines that he shares about in his book, so he's saying, Hey, I'm writing a book on this and I am still a beginner, even with my years of practice. And he goes on to quote Thomas Merton, who says, “we do not want to be beginners, but let us be convinced of the fact that we will never be anything else but beginners all our life.” See, we love, and pursue, and get to walk and live in relationship with a God who is beyond our understanding. Every day we get to begin again, knowing him more and knowing ourselves more as we're discovering who we are in him.

In Job 11:7-9 in the New Living Translation, it says,

“Can you solve the mysteries of God? Can you discover everything about the Almighty? Such knowledge is higher than the heavens—and who are you? It is deeper than the underworld—what do you know? It is broader than the earth and wider than the sea. (Job 11:7-9 NLT)

As Christ followers, we are graced to be beginners.

Beginners try. Beginners take risks. Beginners embrace the learning curve. Beginners get help. Beginners stay humble because they embrace how far they have to go. whether you're just learning about relationship with God, or you've been walking with Him for a number of years, there's new things that you also get to be a beginner at.

And I believe that even when we can get frustrated by that, God is excited about it. He likes when we stay humble, when we depend on him, when we press in to know him more.

And so, here's a question that you can take into conversation with God about this topic today.

God, I'm a beginner in a lot of ways. What do you love about that?

Have a good talk.

And if you've been encouraged by this content, please share it with a friend and help them grow in their conversational relationship with God too!

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