Life moves so quickly sometimes it feels like I’m watching it in slow motion.
Time passes and my eyes/mind/life can’t adjust fast enough. In a blink of an eye days are gone.
This week was like that. How all of a sudden it was Friday. Where did my time go? What did I accomplish?
I have to remember that life gives opportunities for unlimited new beginnings. If I let them, months will fly by at the speed of light. But they don’t have to.
Pause. And begin again.
Do I like my attitude?
Do I want to continue on this path I’m heading down?
Is this the way I want my week to go?
If the answer is no, that’s okay, I just need to begin again.
Sometimes I have several beginnings in a single morning. False starts that are incrementally readjusted as I align my focus, my purpose, and my attitude.
Wherever you are this morning, choose to begin again. Maybe it’s a fresh start with a new friend or a brand new undertaking. Our new beginnings are unending, we just need to slow down enough to take advantage of the opportunity. Don’t barrel on haphazardly. It’s not too late. Pause. And begin again.
This post is part of Five Minute Friday’s, a five minute weekly reflection on a word prompt. No edits, no do overs, just write. “No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.”
Photo Credit: Source Photo Flickr – Ernest