Episode #50 Rediscovering Laughter With God – For the Fun of It

From Today's Episode:
Welcome! We're in our For the Fun of It Series and today's topic is Rediscovering Laughter With God.
Ecclesiastes 3:4
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God, what's a way I can laugh with you?
Here's the episode transcript
Hi, I'm Jen and welcome to Good God Talks. Our podcast exists to help you and to help all of us, really engage in uncommon conversations with God in the midst of everyday life.
Today we're talking about laughing with God. And if that sounds crazy or outlandish to you, then I'm especially glad you're here because I feel like it's something that a lot of us can overlook and miss out on as part of our relationship with God.
We're in the midst of a series called "For the Fun of it" because sometimes we can focus on the work of our relationship with God and miss out on some of the fun experiences that we get to have with him along the way. And yes, a lot of times the refining work that he is doing, the spiritual disciplines that we're growing in, the areas of conviction and repentance, aren't necessarily super enjoyable.
But there are so many other aspects that are part of the thriving relationship that God invites us to have with him. And the idea for this podcast series actually began from one specific verse, and it's Ecclesiastes 3:4. So, in Ecclesiastes three, there's a list of various things that have designated seasons on earth. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant, and a time to harvest, a time for war and a time for peace. But in verse four, it says,"A time to weep and a time to laugh."
And I started thinking about how often I turn to God in times of weeping. But it's far less common for me to share my laughter with him. Think about that and what that means for you. I will often come to God with weeping, with tears and heartbreak and lament and prayers- for the lack of justice in the world, for evil running rampant for areas of pain in my own life, for areas of grief and loss. And it is good that I bring these things to God in their seasons. But it's far less common for me to come and engage in a time of laughter with God.
I can think of a few times where I've been moved to laughter by extravagant gratitude, things I just can't believe. Miracles or supernatural provision or just extraordinary, extravagant, loving kindness where that gratitude just bubbles up to the place of laughter. And I have some memories of laughing in joyful moments of worship, rejoicing in it all. But I don't really think about God very much or naturally connect with him when I'm in a circumstance of laughter, when I'm in a place of laughing. I will think about him in times of pain, but not necessarily in times of laughter. But, as I reflect on this, holiness and humor are not mutually exclusive. And so, we get this opportunity to come and to enjoy God in a new way.
So, when I think about how easy it is for me to engage with God in times of tears, but not in times of laughter, that causes me to wonder if some of that is just habits that get to be retrained. Or a mindset about what God actually wants to be included in or what he makes himself available for, that if I change my thought process about it, I can come to God and actually engage with him more in times of laughter.
This is just me thinking about it, but my husband and I have two young kids and they make us laugh all the time. The things they say, the funny things they do, the mistakes that they make that sometimes are just hilarious because of their perspective or their thought process. Even just the funny things that they say or the goofy ways that we interact. And I wonder how often we make God laugh in ways that we can actually participate in the laughter with him.
So, I don't have a clear action item for us today, but I do have a question for us to take into conversation with God. And it's not something big or mind blowing, but I think God wants to talk with us about it, and here it is:
God, what's a way I can laugh with you?
When I was asking God this question in preparation for this episode, he reminded me of the times that my boys make me laugh. And he simply said, "Hey, in those times when you're laughing, why don't you just tell me about it?" Like, "Hey, God, that was so funny." And it's the simplest little thing and it's not super serious but bringing God into those conversations has made these little moments of laughter, shared experiences that I get to have with God. And I also feel like I might be laughing a little bit more. So, I encourage you, ask God, see what he would tell you. It's probably different for each of us. And here's that question one more time:
God, what's a way I can laugh with you?
Have a good talk.
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