Hello Amazing People! I’m ecstatic to share this thoughtful post today from Keri at Nappy Bella as she shares practical ways God chooses to speak with us.
What an amazing God we serve!
I am enthralled by the fact that He speaks to us. Who are we that He would be mindful of us? But yet, He desires to commune with us.
From the beginning of time, He spoke: With Adam in the Garden and it was His voice that led Noah to build the ark. He spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus, and He spoke to Moses quite often.
God did not only speak to these great men. He also desires to commune with us. Yes, YOU and I. Would He speak audibly, or to our hearts, or would He use someone? It’s His call to make, but one thing holds certain, He would speak to us if we would only listen. If only we would know that He’s speaking. If only we would talk back!
We may not have Him speak to us in a burning bush
But …
We’ve got his word.
The Bible His Holy Word. After all Psalm 138:2 says that God has exalted is word above His name … and 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is “God-breathed.” So as we read through His word, we read of His love for us, we learn of the things that appeal to Him and those which cause Him to turn away His face … and through this, He’s speaking to us. His work gives us HIS story so that we can live and write OUR story.
We’ve got our church family.
Have you ever been praying about a situation or a thing and in that same Sunday morning’s service, the Preacher somehow gave you the answer or clarity you needed? Or what about a fellow sister or brother in the faith sharing a word of encouragement, only to be a confirmation of what you believe God has been ministering to your heart? Well that’s God speaking. He will use whoever He may to accomplish that which He must.
Through music
Ever heard a song and the words seem to resonate and resound inside you? There is absolutely nothing as reassuring and comforting to me as singing songs of praise and adoration unto God. As you sing, He’ll speak. I love singing and worshiping as I immediately feel in tuned with God. It’s almost like He’d been waiting to hear my voice.
Through His creation
Psalm 19:1 says that creation declares the glory of God. I also love this verse in Romans 1:20,
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
How amazing is this! We can see, feel and hear God so tangibly, through His handiwork, His very creation. We look at the earth and the way that ants gather food, we learn to use wisdom and see how to work hard.
When we look at the oceans, we are reminded that his love for us is vast, deep and so very wide.
While the plants, how they grow, bloom and die, is constantly reminding us of the fragility of life.
Looking towards the heavens fills us with hope knowing that heaven is our final home.
Then there are the obvious means through which God speaks to us, like through prayer. We may not know how to pray, but God’s Word tells us His spirit makes intercession for us (Romans 8:26-27). Let’s not forget fasting and prayer, an amazing way to become sensitive to the presence and spirit of God.
I am so grateful that God makes himself communicable. Communication is best when both parties are vocal, and our God sure is. Remember that God is not limited in any way neither would He restrict himself to certain means or methods of communication with His children.
I invite you to take a moment to take Him in.
In the beauty of his creation, or in the stillness of the morning in deep consecrated pray.
Who would have thought that I would hear God when I held my first child 11 months ago? I did, and His voice was soft and kind. He felt my joy and my fears! His words took away the fears I had of motherhood and reassured me that with Him, I can and will raise an amazing little boy who would grow up to be an amazing man.
God made us a promise, when we seek Him we are certain to find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). He longs to commune with us.
Keri is the Owner/Founder of NappyBella, where she blogs on natural hair, motherhood, health and wellness.
She lives in the Caribbean and is a Christian Wife, Mother and Worshiper. She blogs on natural hair, wellness and motherhood. Apart from blogging and her 8-4 job, she manages Social Media for the busy! Check her out on Facebook, Twitter and on her Blog Page.