Work With Jen

Jen Weaver

As a Ministry Coach

I come alongside church, parachurch, nonprofit, and community leaders:

  1. investing in your personal leadership growth
  2. helping you develop thriving teams and
  3. build message clarity for the ministry you love.

Coaching options include

I’m a Ministry Coach because I know the difference it makes to serve and lead as part of a team. My unique background in small business ownership, executive corporate leadership, and vocational pastoral ministry helps me customize solutions for each client’s specific needs. I love bringing marketing and business strategy into ministry spaces to help your ministry thrive. 

I also know that ministry is a huge investment, with personal costs that often go unnoticed. I want to come alongside you and your team to provide support and encouragement as you walk in obedience to God’s call on your lives. My experience includes:

  • 34+ years as a follower of Christ
  • 25+ years volunteering as a leader in various areas of church ministry
  • 15+ years in corporate business leadership
  • 11+ years in online ministry
  • 4 years as an annual Declare Conference co-host
  • 3 years serving vocationally as a Groups & Women’s Ministry Pastor at a megachurch
  • 1.5 years as a podcast host
  • BA in Communications Studies, Ashford University
  • Certified Business Cultural Trainer, International House London
  • Certified DISC Trainer
  • Certified John Maxwell Team Member, Speaker, Trainer, Coach
  • Traditionally published author A Wife’s Secret to Happiness (2017)
  • Published poet A Beckoning to Wonder (2024)
  • Freelance writer for sites such as Focus on the Family and FamilyLife
  • Conference and event speaker